Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy & Scar Tissue Release


Pilates and the Bowen Therapy are the perfect marriage. Bowen gently facilitates the balance and realignment of the skeletal structure, whilst Pilates reinforces the Bowen work holding these structures in place by targeting specific muscle groups. Bowen and Pilates creates a perfect combination for your body.


Bowen Therapy is a system of gentle yet powerful soft tissue manipulation by the practitioner’s use of their hands on the following structures of the body:

  • muscle & fascia
  • tendons, ligaments & joints
  • nerves & lymphatic areas

This prompts the body to reset, repair & rebalance itself. Bowen also restores the body’s self healing mechanism making this therapy effective in relieving pain.

Bowen treatments may help with most musculo-skeletal injuries, emotional stress, traumas, digestive issues, immune system and hormonal imbalance related conditions.


Scar Tissue Release is also a gentle treatment working on scars no matter how long ago they occurred. This treatment may help with appearance of the scar, restrictions in the fascia, inhibited joint movement, reduction in blood and lymph flow, weakened muscular strength, reduction in energy flow and emotional trauma.

The gentle approach to Bowen and Scar Tissue Release means that it is suitable for all ages, from babies to the elderly, and from the fit and active to those less able.


Bowen Therapy and Scar Tissue Release are couch-based therapies, however, they can also be performed seated. The best results are obtained by performing the moves direct on the skin, although it can also work effectively through light clothing.

Sessions can vary between 15 minutes to approximately one hour. There is no fixed course or treatment plan as everybody’s needs are different but it is always recommended to have a 2nd session one week after the 1st to allow the initial response to be assessed. We are all unique and most people will notice benefits after 1-3 sessions, although chronic conditions can often take longer to respond. Progress will be discussed at all sessions so the way forward can be agreed.

Sessions take place at the studio, but home visits can be arranged at a small extra cost to cover travel expenses.



CHILDREN (under 18 years)
