Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction:
a. These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) apply to all clients of Spirit of Pilates.
b. The address for all correspondence under these terms is Spirit of Pilates, High Corn Mill, Chapel Hill, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 1NL.
c. Spirit of Pilates reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions and will provide notice of such changes as would reasonably be required.
2. Studio and Matwork Sessions:
a. All Pilates studio sessions, mat classes and virtual classes are paid one week in advance. (classes are booked in blocks).
b. We welcome occasional bookings, however, priority will always be given to existing and new clients who have committed to attend mat work classes for the full block.
3. Registration / Health & Safety:
a. In order to comply with the studio’s own health and safety and professional indemnity insurance requirements, all new clients are required to complete a registration and health screening & assessment form as part of our standard induction process. Please click here to complete. You will also need to adhere to our Studio Covid-19 Policy which is within our booking form.
4. Beginners Introduction/ Initial Consultation:
a. In order to comply with the studios health and safety requirements, a beginners introduction is advised before commencing mat work Pilates.
b. For studio apparatus sessions, clients are to attend a one-to-one initial consultation prior to participating.
5. Clients Responsibility:
a. Clients are responsible for the security of their own personal belongings whilst attending the studio. The studio accepts no responsibility for personal belongings and/or valuables lost, stolen or damaged.
b. Clients are responsible for the security and contents of motor vehicles left parked outside the studio. No liability is accepted for loss or damage to cars or property left solely at owners risk.
c. Cars must be parked correctly in the studios own allocated parking bays giving due attention to dedicated disabled users parking bays.
d. Clients are responsible for immediately informing the studio of any illnesses or injuries that might prevent them from performing normal Pilates exercise routines.
e. Clients are not to attend if they have a contagious illness, or have recently been in contact with someone with a contagious illness.
6. Studio Session / Mat work Renewal Bookings:
a. When renewing a pre-paid block of Pilates studio sessions or mat work classes it is essential that 7 days advance notice is given to the studio of an intention to re-book and full payment made at that time. Late confirmation of an intention to re-book may result in a previously regular time-slot being offered to others.
b. Bookings are not considered by the studio to have been confirmed until full payment has been received.
7. Cancellations / Re-scheduling:
a. For studio apparatus sessions 36 hours cancellation notice is required.
b. Cancellations for a Monday studio session must be made on the previous Friday before 12.00pm.
c. Clients are responsible for re-scheduling cancelled studio sessions with the studio.
d. For mat work classes refunds cannot be given for unattended classes in a course, nor transferred to following courses. However, there is the option to re-schedule to another class in the same block where there is availability or catch up on a virtual class. 36 hours notice is required to re-schedule.
8. Holidays:
a. Clients attending regular studio apparatus sessions should provide a minimum of 2 weeks notice of holidays to allow the studio to temporarily fill any unoccupied sessions.
b. These clients (8a) must also provide re-start dates at the time of providing notice of a holiday. If a re-start date is not agreed prior to a holiday being taken then the session time-slot may be offered to others.
c. Annual holiday and public holiday studio shut-down periods will be advised in advance.
9. Payment:
a. All payments must be made by cheque, cash, paypal or bank transfer.
b. Cheques should be made payable to Joanna Reay
10. Personal Data:
All necessary steps will be taken to ensure that any personal data or information provided by clients to the studio shall be treated as confidential information and in particular the studio will not:
a. use personal information data or information nor reproduce the data or information in whole or in part in any form.
b. disclose the personal data or information to any third party or persons not authorised to receive it.
c. alter, delete, add to or otherwise interfere with the data or information, save where expressly permitted to do so.